Song name |
Rating |
01. |
A Snowflake Fell And It Felt Like A Kiss Chords |
02. |
A Snowflake Fell And It Felt Like A Kiss (ver 2) Chords |
03. |
Change Tab |
04. |
Cruel Moon Chords |
05. |
Daddys Gone Chords |
06. |
Daddys Gone (ver 2) Chords |
07. |
Daddys Gone (ver 3) Chords |
08. |
Daddys Gone (ver 4) Chords |
09. |
Daddys Gone Bass Tab |
10. |
Dream Dream Dreaming Tab |
11. |
Euphoria Take My Hand Chords |
12. |
Euphoria, Take My Hand Tab |
13. |
Flowers And Football Tops Chords |
14. |
Fuck You Its Over Tab |
15. |
Geraldine Tab |
16. |
Geraldine (ver 2) Tab |
17. |
Geraldine Bass Tab |
18. |
Geraldine (ver 2) Bass Tab |
19. |
Geraldine Acoustic Chords |
20. |
Geraldine Acoustic (ver 2) Chords |
21. |
Geraldine Acoustic (ver 3) Chords |
22. |
Go Square Go Chords |
23. |
Go Square Go (ver 2) Chords |
24. |
Go Square Go (ver 3) Chords |
25. |
Ice Cream Van Chords |
26. |
Its My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry Chords |
27. |
Its My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry Tab |
28. |
I Feel Wrong Tab |
29. |
Lonesome Swan Chords |
30. |
Lonesome Swan (ver 2) Chords |
31. |
Lonesome Swan (ver 3) Chords |
32. |
Lots Sometimes Tab |
33. |
My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry Chords |
34. |
Neon Bedroom Chords |
35. |
Pain Pain, Never Again Tab |
36. |
Please Come Back Home Tab |
37. |
Polmont On My Mind Tab |
38. |
Polmont On My Mind Acoustic Chords |
39. |
Shine Like Stars Tab |
40. |
Stronger Than Dirt Tab |
41. |
The World Is Yours Chords |
42. |
The World Is Yours (ver 2) Chords |
43. |
The World Is Yours Tab |
44. |
Whatever Hurts You Through The Night Tab |
45. |
Whitey Chords |
46. |
You Tab |