Hale - Waltz Chords & Tabs


Waltz Chords & Tabs

Hale Chords & Tabs

Version: 2 Type: Chords

Waltz Chords

Title		: Waltz
Artist		: HAle
Album		: Twilight

Ear Tabber	: Walter Michael De la Cruz
Email add 1	: Walterfdelacruz@yahoo.com
Email add 2	: Michaelfdelacruz@yahoo.com

School		: Saint Louis University BAguio City
DAte of tab	: October 6,2006
Course		: BS Electronics and Communication Engineering

Hale is back with their latest single "Waltz", 
This is their first single in their sophomore 
album entitled "Twilight".

If you want to use this file in its entirety, make sure
to include my name on it somewhere. Dont remove my name because
I worked hard on these so you could use them for
free. Plagiarism is not allowed.

Hope you'll enjoy my tab on the song. 
And if you're in BAguio,just give me a shout.
Rock on! Peace out!


Sa verse and refrain ung mga basic chords lang gagamitin

Chords used :

D/F#	: 200230
A/C#	: 040220

for Chorus only :

Bm	: 799XXX
Bm/A#	: 699XXX
A	: 577XXX
A/G#	: 477XXX
G	: 355XXX

Verse 1| one strum lang dito per chord

D        A          Em
I hate the way you are

D        A        Em
So mean to me by far

G          D       Em
The most frigid girl

     D       A     Em
That I have ever known

Verse 2|

D/F#      A/C#    G
You speak loudly but

D/F#     A/C#    Em
When I'm not around

G          D         Em
You'll be just like them

     D/F#      A/C#    Em
So shallow and obnoxious

Refrain| pure guitar lang

Please ...

        D          A/C#
that's enough (that's enough)

Please ... 

      Bm           Bm/A# -  A - A/G# -  G
I've said this a million times   before

And I'm sick

Chorus | Walter Michael De la Cruz Rockz

But all that I need
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/h/hale/waltz_crd_ver_2.html ]
And all that I bleed

               G-D/F#-A    Bm-A/C#-D
And all that I care for Is you

Verse 3| Walter Michael De la Cruz Rockz

D/F#      A/C#        G
You said that you'd call

   D/F#       A/C#      Em
What time will you be home

G      D       Em
But you never did

   D/F#       A/C#    Em
You said you didn't mean to

Verse 4|

D/F#   A/C#    G
Now I am enraged

 D/F#    A/C#     Em
As if we were engaged

G      D       Em
You made me realize

   D/F#     A/C#  Em
I'm just your alibi

Refrain| pure guitar lang

Please ...

        D          A/C#
that's enough (that's enough)

Please ... 

      Bm           Bm/A# -  A - A/G# -  G
I've said this a million times   before

And I'm sick

Chorus |

But all that I need

And all that I bleed

               G-D/F#-A     G-D/F#-A
And all that I care for Is you

But all that I need

And all that I bleed

                G-D/F#-A   G-D/F#-A
And all that I care for Is you

D   A   Em
I hate you


If you've got  comments  or  suggestions  about my  tab|
I wanna hear it from you! Hit me back at  my  email add|
or you can   send   me   a  message  in   friendster at|
Walterfdelacruz@yahoo.com or Michaelfdelacruz@yahoo.com|

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© Copyright 2006

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And also, Please Support my Tab.

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How to play Waltz