The Bosshoss - Go Go Go Chords & Tabs


Go Go Go Chords & Tabs

The Bosshoss Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Go Go Go Chords

Intro: Am G Am C G  

Am               G          Am           G
checkin out the fast line, livin for the big time
Am          G         Am C Am
rev it up, baby let's gogogo
       Am       G             Am       
we're drop dead ready, steady as a rock
  G               Am          G          Am C Am
'round the clock, rev it up, baby let's gogogo

    Am           G        Am          G         Am
a little bit of you in eyerything is making my heart sing
 G              Am C Am
makes me wanna gogogo
     Am           G              Am        
we make a decent team, best i've ever seen
G             Am       G              Am C Am
come on come on rev it up, and let's gogogo

Am            G           Am           G          
do you want, do you wanna come, won't tell your mom
Am          G          Am C Am
rev it up, baby let's gogogo
Am      G           Am      G         Am
my idea of a pretty view is you, make do
G          Am C Am
baby let's gogogo
F              G
  burn down the ocean, baby!
F             G
  we need some action, ya'hear me!
[ Tab from: ]
Am             G            Am       
we're in the lead, can you feel the heat?
G          Am           G            Am C Am 
coming up, to the top, rev it up and gogogo
   Am            G              Am        G
we make a great team, best i've ever been in
      Am       G       Am C Am
come on, come on let's gogogo
Am             G           Am
makes me wanna rock do the bop,
       G     Am       G            Am C Am       
dance into a trance, rev it up and gogogo
    Am            G          Am           G
so check out the fast line, live for the good times
Am          G        Am C Am
rev it up, baby let's gogogo

Am            G           Am           G          
do you want, do you wanna come, won't tell your mom
Am          G          Am C Am
rev it up, baby let's gogogo
Am      G           Am      G         Am
my idea of a pretty view is you, make do
G          Am C Am
baby let's gogogo
F              G
  burn down the ocean, baby!
F             G
  we need some action, ya'hear me!

guitar solo:



Am            G           Am           G          
do you want, do you wanna come, won't tell your mom
Am          G          Am C Am
rev it up, baby let's gogogo
Am      G           Am      G         Am
my idea of a pretty view is you, make do
G          Am C Am
baby let's gogogo
F              G
  burn down the ocean, baby!
F             G
  we need some action, ya'hear me!
How to play Go Go Go