10 Ft Ganja Plant - Top Down Chords & Tabs


Top Down Chords & Tabs

10 Ft Ganja Plant Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Bass Tab

Top Down Bass Tab

                       TOP DOWN - 10 FT. GANJA PLANT
This is the VERSE. The bassist doesn't play this constantly, he improvises a lot. You 
can do a lot of cool things with it...



There's a lot of improvising during the CHORUS as well, but you can play this constantly 
if you want:
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/0-9/10_ft_ganja_plant/top_down_btab.html ]
|--------68686---55--------------------|   2x



That's about it really... Just listen to the song and it'll become very obvious how to 
play the rhythm and stuff :) Enjoy!
How to play Top Down