Tuning Low To High (B F# B E G# C#) if you don't have a 7 string like I don't.
T. = Tremolo Picking
/ = Slide
P.M = Palm Mute
Guitar 1 (Guitar 1 Intro Riff)
Guitar 2 (hold notes) (Guitar 2 Intro Riff)
Guitar 1
Guitar 2(Hold Notes) (End Of Intro Riff)
Guitar 1 (Chorus Riff)
Guitar 2
P.M-------------------| P.M---------------------------------------|
Guitar 1
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/a/amon_amarth/cry_of_the_blackbirds_tab_ver_2.html ]
Guitar 2
P.M-------------| P.M---------------------| (Hold This Note)
Guitar 1&2 Repeat Above Twice Then Guitar 2 Changes Riff To This Twice
(Hold All Notes) (End Of Chorus Riff)
Guitar 1
T.-------------------------------------------------------------------------|(Verse Riff)
[Guitar 2 Plays Intro Riff 4 Times While Guitar 1 Plays Above 4 Times]
(Fill Leading To Chorus Riff)
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Play Chorus Riff.Then 2nd Part Two Times(There is a stop at the end of the last part of
riff at the ending part shown below)
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
P.M-------------| P.M------------------------------------------|
Play Verse Riff Times. The Last One Is Played Below
Guitar 1
T.-------------------------------------------------------------------------|(Verse Riff)
[Guitar 2 Plays Intro Riff 4 Times While Guitar 1 Plays Above 4 Times And Stops At The Check Mark (x)]
Both Guitars Play This
That's the whole song. Practice and you'll be playin it like a pro. If there are any
contact me at: arch-enemy_666@hotmail.com.