Amon Amarth - Gods Of War Arise Chords & Tabs


Gods Of War Arise Chords & Tabs

Amon Amarth Chords & Tabs

Version: 2 Type: Tab

Gods Of War Arise Tab

Hey, this is my first tab and it is on a great song by the awesome band Amon Amarth! 
I know that Amon Amarth usually have their guitars in drop B tuning but I use drop C tuning 
this song sounds awesome in it! Any problems email me at

Gods of War Arise by Amon Amarth
tabbed by Hiran G

Tuning: C,G,C,F,A,D

h = hammer on
p = pull off
. = palm mute
()= bend note


  Riff 1:


Riff 2:

  ..   ..  .  ..   .           ..   ..  .  ..   .

Then Riff 1: (play twice)



Riff 3: Tremlo Pick

|-----------------------------------------------------------| x2



Those are elevens and twelves, not ones and twos and nines not nineteens.

Back to Riff 2:
[ Tab from: ]
  ..   ..  .  ..   .           ..   ..  .  ..   .


Then one guitar plays Riff 3 while guitar two plays this:(play until riff 3 ends)


Riff 3: Tremlo Pick

|-----------------------------------------------------------| x2



Solo: Slow




Once again one guitar plays Riff 3 while guitar two plays this:(play until riff 3 ends)


Riff 3: Tremlo Pick

|-----------------------------------------------------------| x2



Fade out
How to play Gods Of War Arise