Amon Amarth - Guardians Of Asgaard Chords & Tabs


Guardians Of Asgaard Chords & Tabs

Amon Amarth Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

Guardians Of Asgaard Tab

B tuning
My first tab
Doesn't have all the muted notes in between
Just the basics
Times are to the version from iTunes

Intro/Chorus (0:00-0:17)
|-------------------------|                 |-----|
|-------------------------|                 |-----|
|-------------------------|Repeat as needed |-----| Played in between
|-------------------------|                 |-----|
|-------------------------|                 |-5-5-|
|-2-2-5-2-3---2-2-5-2-3-5-|                 |-3-3-|
                                              * *
Verse (0:17-0:43)
[ Tab from: ]
Verse 2 (0:44-1:11)
I know there's more to it than that but I've only been working on it for a half an hour

Repeat Intro/Chorus

Repeat Verse

Repeat Verse 2

Bridge (2:39-3:25) Fast Picking, listen to the song

I don't know the solo yet.
I'll figure it out soon.

How to play Guardians Of Asgaard