Amon Amarth - Prediction Of Warfare Chords & Tabs


Prediction Of Warfare Chords & Tabs

Amon Amarth Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Bass Tab

Prediction Of Warfare Bass Tab

Prediction Of Warfare - Song
Amon Amarth  - Band
With Oden On Our Side - Album (2006)

Intro (0:00-0:59):
E |---------------------------------------------------------|
B |-0-00000-0000--------------------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------------------------2-2222-|

|-4-44444-4444-2-2222---------4-44444-44444-44444-4444-|  x4

Main Riff (1:00-1:28):
|-0-00000-00000-0000-9-7-2-4-44444-44444-4444-4-7-2-|  4X

You can also play the main riff on the high B string if you want to,
but I think the low B makes this much heavier, which fits perfectly
with the song.

Chorus Riff 1 (1:29-1:56):


Bridge (1:57-2:26)   option 1:
|-444444444444-666666-222222-000000000000000000-777777-| 4X

and option 2 for the people who like a challenge:
|-4-4467--6-6679--10-101097-9-9976-|  <--- 10's, not 1's and 0's
[ Tab from: ]
|-4-4467--6-6679--12--1212119--11-111197-| <---- 11's and 12's

also perform option 2 four times

Break (2:27-2:49):


listen well for the timing on this part, since some parts have no bass

Main Riff (2:50-3:16):
|-0-00000-00000-0000-9-7-2-4-44444-44444-4444-4-7-2-|  4X

Epic Riff (3:17-4:50):
|-00000-00000-00000-00000-| keep playing this until the Main Riff starts

Main Riff (4:51-5:18):
|-0-00000-00000-0000-9-7-2-4-44444-44444-4444-4-7-2-|  4X

Any of the 2 Bridge options (5:19-5:47):

Main Riff (5:48-6:13):
|-0-00000-00000-0000-9-7-2-4-44444-44444-4444-4-7-2-|  4X

And to end the song, the Break (6:14-6:38):


The End

All Hail The Viking Lords, Amon Amarth!
How to play Prediction Of Warfare