Ashton Shepherd - Look It Up Chords & Tabs


Look It Up Chords & Tabs

Ashton Shepherd Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Look It Up Chords

Capo 1
The word is faithful, look it up 
It don't mean (Dm) sneakin' around 
Behind my back like you ain't gettin' (Am) enough 
How 'bout forever, just look it up 
It means through (Dm) thick and thin and 
Pitchin' in even when the times get (Am) tough 

The word is easy, look it up 
And you'll see a (Dm) picture of that piece of trash 
Ridin' 'round in your pickup (Am) truck 
Let's try liar, just look it up 
But you'll need (Dm) boots to wade through all the bull 
You tell me when you come home (Am) drunk 
It's just like (E) you to be so clueless 
'Cause you (D) never thought I'd do this 

I said (Am) go, goodbye, get lost, get out, get gone 
The word is (E) over 
Look it up (Am)
[ Tab from: ]
You said you're sober, look it up 
It's right next to (Dm) hell is freezin' over, flyin' pigs, 
And all that (Am) stuff 
And how 'bout baby, look it up 
It's what you (Dm) call me and it's how you act 
Every time I call your (Am) bluff 
It's just like (E) you to keep denyin' 
Save your (D) whinin' and your cryin' 

I said (Am) go, goodbye, get lost, get out, get gone 
The word is (E) over 
Look it up (Am)

The word's forgiveness, look it up 
It's what (Dm) Jesus has in store for you 
But I don't no matter (Am) what 
Quit your (E) beggin' and your prayin' 
Can't you (D) hear what I've been sayin'? 

I said (Am) go, goodbye, get lost, get out, get gone 
The word is (E) over 
Look it up (Am)
Just look it up, look it up
How to play Look It Up