Avril Lavigne - Imagine Chords & Tabs


Imagine Chords & Tabs

Avril Lavigne Chords & Tabs

Version: 2 Type: Chords

Imagine Chords

E                    A
  Imagine there's no heaven
E                  A
  It's easy if you try
E           A
  No hell below us
E                A
  Above us only sky
        A        Gm Bb
  Imagine all the people
C               C7
Living for to - day

[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/a/avril_lavigne/imagine_crd_ver_2.html ]
E                        A
  Imagine there's no countries
E                  A
  It isn't hard to do
E                    A
  Nothing to kill or die for
E                 A
  And no religion too
        A        Gm Bb
  Imagine all the people
C              C7
Living life in peace

How to play Imagine