Buffett Jimmy - Lovely Cruise Chords & Tabs


Lovely Cruise Chords & Tabs

Buffett Jimmy Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Lovely Cruise Chords

#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
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From: Mike Hall 
Subject: song - "LovelyCruise.crd" - Jimmy_Buffett
To: jamesb@animal-farm.nevada.edu
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 11:42:28 EST
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Lovely Cruise     
By Johnathan Baham  (As sung by Jimmy Buffett)

C              F              D
  Drink it up, this one's for you; 
  C           G      C
  it's been a lovely cruise.
C                               F              D
  I'm sorry it's ending, oh it's sad, but it's true;
        C             G      C        C7
  Honey,  it's been a lovely cruise.
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/b/buffett_jimmy/lovely_cruise_crd.html ]
     F                   C
     These moments we're left with,
     F                C         
     may you always remember. 
     F                 C         G
     These moments are shared by few.
     C                                    F            D
     There's wind in our hair and there's water in our shoes.
           C             G      C   
     Honey,  it's been a lovely cruise. 

(spoken: "So let's cruise darlin'.")

(long solo) -play- C F D C G C  C F D C G C C7

(then, 2nd chorus:)
           F                   C   
     Ohhh, these moments we're left with,
     F                C
     may you always remember. 
     F                 C         G  
     These moments are shared by few.
     C                                       F           D
     And those harbor lights,  lord, they're coming into view.
     C                                G
     We'll bid our farewells much too soon

C                 F               D
  So drink it up,  this one's for you.
        C             G      C
  Honey,  it's been a lovely cruise.
            C             G      C
  Yeah baby,  it's been a lovely cruise;
             C             G         F        C  
  Oh darlin',  it's been a love - ly  cru - ise.

[This is my chord arrangement and may contain errors
 for which I apologize in advance...]

//   Mike A. Hall           // "If I don't die by Thursday,    //
//   mhall@moe.coe.uga.edu  //  I'll be roarin' Friday night." //
//                          //                 --J.Buffett     //

How to play Lovely Cruise