Buffett Jimmy - Why Dont We Get Drunk Chords & Tabs


Why Dont We Get Drunk Chords & Tabs

Buffett Jimmy Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Why Dont We Get Drunk Chords

#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
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From: Mike Hall 
Subject: song - "WhyDon'tWeGetDrunk.crd" - Jimmy_Buffett
To: jamesb@animal-farm.nevada.edu
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 11:49:25 EST
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Why Don't We Get Drunk
By Marvin Gardens (As performed by Jimmy Buffett)

      D             D7             G              D     
      I really do,  appreciate  the fact you're   sittin' here.
      D                  G                       E7     
      Your voice sounds  so wonderful   but your face don't
      look too clear.
         G                          D
      So barmaid bring a pitcher,   another round o' brew,
           G                A          D        D7
      Honey why don't we get drunk and screw...
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/b/buffett_jimmy/why_dont_we_get_drunk_crd.html ]
          G               A          D      
          Why don't we get drunk and screw?
          E7                             A7
          I just bought a waterbed filled up for me and you.
          They say you are a snuff queen, 
          Honey I don't think that's true.
               G               A          D
          So,  why don't we get drunk and screw. 

(spoken: "Take it Coral Reefers, here we go...";) violin solo

     Why don't we get drunk and screw?
     I just bought a waterbed (it's) filled up for me and you.(**)
     They say you are a snuff queen,
     Honey I don't think that's true.
     So, why don't we get drunk and screw?  
      Yeah, now baby I say, "Lord!," (*)
     Why don't we get drunk and screw. 

(*)- or "Chord!" or "More Beer!" or whatever you like...  :*) 'hic
(**)- on "Feeding Frenzy" alternate verse:
     "I just bought a waterbed filled up with Elmer's Glue!..."

 [This song is published in CPP/Belwin's "Songs You Know By Heart"]
//   Mike A. Hall           // "If I don't die by Thursday,    //
//   mhall@moe.coe.uga.edu  //  I'll be roarin' Friday night." //
//                          //                 --J.Buffett     //

How to play Why Dont We Get Drunk