Decemberists - This Is Why We Fight Chords & Tabs


This Is Why We Fight Chords & Tabs

Decemberists Chords & Tabs

Version: 3 Type: Chords

This Is Why We Fight Chords

Artist: The Decemberists
Song: This Is Why We Fight
Album: The King Is Dead
Tabbed by: madcaptobi

Standard Tuning - Capo 2nd Fret

Chords used:

Em:    022000
Em2:   024000
Cmaj7: x32000
G:     320033
D:     xx0232


Intro: [Em - Em2 - Cmaj7] x4

Verse 1:
Em  Em2         Cmaj7    Em  Em2       Cmaj7
        Come the war,       come the avarice
Em  Em2         Cmaj7    Em  Em2       Cmaj7      
        Come the war, come how?
Em  Em2         Cmaj7    Em  Em2       Cmaj7
        Come attrition,        come the reek of bones
Em  Em2         Cmaj7    Em  Em2       Cmaj7
        Come attrition, come how?

[ Tab from: ]
Chorus 1:
G             D          Em         C
  This is why,  why we fight, why we lie awake
G             D           C
  This is why,  this is why we fight
G                 D             Em          C
  And when we die,   we will die,   with our arms unbound
G             D           C                     Em  Em2  Cmaj7    Em  Em2  Cmaj7
  This is why,   this is why we fight,    come how?

Verse 2: [use verse 1 chords]
Right of quiet, writer on quiet vein
Right of quiet, right of how
Come the arches, come the infant cheek
Come the arches of how

Chorus 2: [use chorus 1 chords]
This is why, why we fight, why we lie awake  
This is why, this is why we fight
And when we die, we will die, with our arms unbound  
This is why, this is why we fight, come how, come how?

Interlude: [Em - Em2 - Cmaj7] x4

Chorus 3: [use chorus 1 chords]
This is why, why we fight, why we lie awake  
This is why, this is why we fight
And when we die, we will die, with our arms unbound  
This is why, this is why we fight

Chorus 4: [use chorus 1 chords]
So come to me, come to me now
Lay your arms around me
This is why, this is why we fight 

Em - Em2 - Cmaj7 (repeat)
Come how, come how, come how, come how?
How to play This Is Why We Fight