Dido - Thank You Chords & Tabs


Thank You Chords & Tabs

Dido Chords & Tabs

Version: 2 Type: Tab

Thank You Tab

Dido-thank you
(Error with tuning. "Not [2nd fret capo]!" -Tune down 1/2 step sorry for error! Final Version
(not exactly sure of chord names)
(Im tuned down 1/2 step)(pretty sure the song is too.- Adjust accordingly.)
G-3x0003 or 3x0033
C9-x32x3x                [dtune_99@yahoo.com for any requests]

Intro-(no need to be exactly as tab on this part. main importance is accentuating 
-----   the notes on the 1st(high E) string.)

\ -0---3--0--0---0--0--- ---1--1--1--1---1--1--1------
\ -1---1--1-(1)-(1)-1--- ---1--1--1--1---1--1--1------
\*-2--(2)--------------- ---2-----2------2-----2------*
\*-2--(2)--------------- ---3-------------------------*
\ -0--(0)--------------- -----------------------------
\ -x-------------------- -----------------------------

(1st&2nd verses)-straight forward chords./*keep accentuating the higher strings.-g-b-e       
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/d/dido/thank_you_tab_ver_2.html ]
 teas..    why..     out..    bed..    all;         (End of verse lines is Am to F).
morning.. window..    I..     see..    all;         
 even..    all..   picture..  on..     wall..    \   It.. re-minds not(so).. not(so)bad;
\-0--     --1--     --3---   --0---   --3------- \----0--   --1--- --0---   --1--------
\-1--     --1--     --0---   --1---   --0------- \----1--   --1--- --1---   --1--------
\-2--     --2--     --0---   --0---   --0------- \----2--   --2--- --2---   --2--------
\-2--     --3--     --0---   --2---   --0------- \----2---  --3--- --2---   --3--------
\-0--     --3--     --x---   --3---   --x------- \----0---  --3--- --0---   --3--------
\----     -----     --3---   ------   --3------- \--------  ------ ------   -----------

(Intro2x here before 2nd verse)(2nd verse same as 1st-straight forward chords/Am to F at end).

Chorus-(keep playing over and over until end of song.)
    I..   thank..  best..  life..   Ohh..   be..   best..   life...
\---0--- --1---   --0---   --1---  --0---  --1---  --x---   --1---------------
\---1--- --1---   --1---   --1---  --1---  --1---  --3---   --3---------------
\---0--- --2---   --0---   --2---  --0---  --2---  --x---   --2---------------
\---2--- --3---   --2---   --3---  --2---  --3---  --2---   --0---------------
\---3--- --3---   --3---   --3---  --3---  --3---  --3---   ------------------
\---3--- ------   --3---   ------  --3---  ------  ------   ------------------

No need for any more tab from here on out. The rest of the song is played
using the chorus music. Keep playing the chorus music until the end.
How to play Thank You