Do As Infinity - Tangerine Dream Chords & Tabs


Tangerine Dream Chords & Tabs

Do As Infinity Chords & Tabs

Version: 2 Type: Tab

Tangerine Dream Tab

Do As Infinity

Tangerine Dream 

Tabbed by Raman

Standard Tuning, Capo on 1
Play relative to Capo, ie. 5 = 6th fret etc.

h=hammer on
p=pull off



//Verse 1

1st Guitar
-------5--4--2---2-2-4---| x2

2nd Guitar (near the end of the second time 0:20)

1st Guitar
-------5----4--2---2-2-4---| x2

2nd Guitar (0:30)

1st Guitar
------------9--7---7-7-9---| x2

2nd Guitar (0:36)

1st Guitar
-------6----9--7---7-7-9---| x2

2nd Guitar (0:47)

end verse on 



Guitar 1 (strum)

A    E    F#m   D   A    E    D   x2

end on 


Guitar 2(electric in background, not quite sure on this)
--------------------------| repeat through chorus

Play Intro again

//Verse 2

Guitar 1
-------5--4--2---2-2-4---| x2

[ Tab from: ]
Guitar 2 (1:41)

1st Guitar
-------5----4--2---2-2-4---| x2

end verse on 




  F#m                              E                            B                   
  F#m                   E                              D             


//Last verse

(strum up) 
E	A	E	F#m

E	A	G (down) D	A


//Intro x 2

That should be it, any problems, questions, feel free to email me at
