Eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonight Chords & Tabs


Save Tonight Chords & Tabs

Eagle Eye Cherry Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Save Tonight Chords

Artist: Eagle Eye Cherry
Song: Save Tonight
Sender: Smartartist6@hotmail.com

It's a very easy song, I figured it out in about 5 minutes. Here it is -

Am	F	C	G
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/e/eagle_eye_cherry/save_tonight_crd.html ]
0	1	0	3
1	1	1	0
2	2	0	0
2	3	2	0
0	0	3	2
x	x	x	3

Repeat over entire song, you'll have to figure out the solo for your selves I don't have the song on tape or cd.

Fan mail, hate mail, I love feedback so send it. Enjoy! 

How to play Save Tonight