Eat me Alice , Rainbow sunset.
Tabbed by Mike McConnell.
Rainbow sunset
Em , Em7 , A
Stop into your house
See why you're not there
Off to play the field
or on the swings
I've seen all the plains
felt all the rains
changed all my names
but things are still the same
Dm , Dm/C , Dm/F# , Dm/G
Dmaj7 @ 5th , c ,b7
[ Tab from: ]
Rainbow sunset in you're mind
fine we're running out of time
Rainbow sunset in you're mind
Can you even find the time
Em , Em7 , A
Tiggerlilly in full bloom
cannott break the gloom
sixteen aces up my sleeve
your ego is you enemy
Dm , Dm/C , Dm/F# , Dm/G
Dmaj7 @ 5th , c ,b7
Rainbow sunset in you're mind
fine we're running out of time
Rainbow sunset in you're mind
Can you even find the time
Rainbow sunset in you're mind
Can you even find the time
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