Edge of Sanity - The Unorthodox
tabbed by: Drew Schinzel
April 2000
~ vibrato
This is in standard tuning, but in order to do that, I had to substitute the
chord in place of a single note lower than E. I would tune down to B, but
it sounds
terrible on my guitar, and, with all due respect to EOS, I'm not gonna
tune down 2.5
steps just to play one of their songs. If you want to play this in B
tuning, just take
everything down one string. For the "double-stop" chords (i forget the
technical name),
in B you would play an octave lower than the second note.
string intro
riff 1 tremolo everything ending
riff 2 tremolo again
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/e/edge_of_sanity/the_unorthodox_tab.html ]
riff 3 guitar one
| guitar two |
riff 4 The chords are questionable.. EOS use single notes since
they're tuned to B,
this is my best approximation.
riff 5 guitar one - may be double an octave lower
| guitar two |
At the end of the second repetition, chug some more E5s and start playing
the same riff but with a heavy palm-muted rhythm - listen to the CD.
riff 6
In the song, this riff starts off as a tremoloed single-note line, but since
this is in
E you'll have to play it with the chords (or just the note octaves if
you want).
riff 7
riff 8