Edoardo Bennato - Every Morning Chords & Tabs


Every Morning Chords & Tabs

Edoardo Bennato Chords & Tabs

Version: 2 Type: Chords

Every Morning Chords

-       Edoardo Bennato - Every morning      -

- Tabbed by: MarcoraimondO -

(from the sound track of the movie: “Il principe e il pirata”)

RE  RE4 – RE  RE4 - RE  RE4 – RE  RE4

Verse 1
RE      RE4    
Every morning 
RE         RE4   RE        SIm                        
radio Hallelujah sings the glory
for a chorus that believe in these stories
                 RE   RE4  RE  RE4  
but I believe in you ...
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/e/edoardo_bennato/every_morning_crd_ver_2.html ]
RE         RE4    
You're an angel 
RE            RE4   RE        SIm                        
watching over me I find protection
underneath your wings sweet salvation
                 RE   RE4  RE  RE4  
and I believe in you ...

DO7M                              LA
Lost between the twilight and the day
DO7M                             LA 
you will help me find the better way.

Every morning 
Radio Hurricane brings the storming
and this year as your day is downing
it never rains on you ... 

You're an angel 
watching over me, expectation
but you'll never be contemplation
and I believe in you ...

Everywhere you go you take my heart
even though I'm moving in the dark.

[Harpsichord solo]

Everywhere you go you take my heart
even though I'm moving in the dark.

Verse 1

           - Live is lifE -

How to play Every Morning