Great little song, I won't bother with exact tabbing but I'll
provide the chords!
The E's are all barred, and the A's are not.
Intro: E with a little hammer on/hammer off on
the A string from the 7th to 9th fret. Listen to
the song for exact timing. About when he does it,
I'll notate it as B6sus4, or B6, for short.
E B6
You are my little red dot
E B6
You are my little red dot
[ Tab from: ]
Don't worry Here he does a hammer on/off on the D string,
F#m shortened from F#m/A, from the 2nd to 4th fret,
The water is not too deep which sounds the sameas the earlier version on
A5 the A string.This A5 is actually an A5addD#,
Don't worry played as x02233.
The hill is not too steep
E, B6
E B6
You are my little red dot
E B6
You are my little red dot
A5 F#m Notice there is no plain A here, it
Don't worry and don't be afraid goes straight to the A5.
Don't worry
Your beauty shall never fade
E, B6
All chords(in normal and shortened forms):