Egypt Central - Backfire Chords & Tabs


Backfire Chords & Tabs

Egypt Central Chords & Tabs

Version: 3 Type: Tab

Backfire Tab

Just the way i think its played... this is what it sounds like to me. :)

Intro and Verse:

Eb |--0----0----|
Bb |--0----0----|
Gb |--4----4----|
Db |--2----2- --| x3
Ab |--4----0----|
Eb |--x----x----|
[ Tab from: ]


Eb |--0----0-----0----|
Bb |--0----0-----0----|
Gb |--4----4-----4----|
Db |--2----4- ---2----| x3
Ab |--4----2-----0----|
Eb |--x----x-----x----|

Pre chorus and Bridge are the same as Version 1
How to play Backfire