Elexorien - The Curse Chords & Tabs


The Curse Chords & Tabs

Elexorien Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

The Curse Tab

Elexorien the curse  ,

 guitar tab
Made by Frank

On youtube you can find the rithme better.
Use Drive or alot gain

tune : E-A-D-G-B-E

From 0s till 11s


11s till 30s (G1)


11s till 30s (G2)


30s till 38s


39s till 48s


49s till 57s


57s till 1:06s

---77x77x77x73333333777777733333522---(on end mini fade)--------------|

1:06s till 1:16s (G2 only)


1:16s till 1:24s (G2 & G1) more heavy sound


1:24s till 1:34s

1:34s / 1:44s


1:34s / 1:44s (G2)


1:45s / 1:52s


1:52s / 2:11s
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/e/elexorien/the_curse_tab.html ]

2:11s / 2:16s  ( A)


2:16s / 2:20s  ( B)


2:20s / 2:49s


2:49s / 3:07s


3:07s / 3:15s


3:15s / 3:26s


3:26s / 3:45s


3:45s / 4:18s


4:18s / 4:27s


4:27s / 4:46s


4:46s / 5:05s (G1)


4:46s / 5:05s (G2)


5:05s / 5:09s


How to play The Curse