Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks Chords & Tabs


Pumped Up Kicks Chords & Tabs

Foster The People Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Bass Tab

Pumped Up Kicks Bass Tab

G |----------------5-8-8-8--5---------------------|
D |--------5-6-6-8-------------8-8-8-5-6----------|  
A |--8-8-8-------------------------------8--------|
E |-----------------------------------------------|
[ Tab from: ]
G |----------------5-8-8-8-10---------------------|
D |--------5-6-6-8-------------10-8-8-8-5-6-------|
A |--8-8-8----------------------------------8-----|
E |-----------------------------------------------|

Variations of these two lines are played throughout the whole song. 
How to play Pumped Up Kicks