this is one of the few hip-hop songs that translate well onto an acoustic guitar. these
can be played many different ways (some omitting the 9th) but the ones below seem to
and sound great. the transition between the Ebmaj9 and the Fmaj9 is simple all you have
do is slide your finger pattern up 2 frets. any percussive type of strumming pattern will
and when i play i'll throw in some riffs based in Eb major. g-g-g-g-g-g-g-UNIT!!
chords used (standard tuning):
Cm9 Ebmaj9 Fmaj9
[ Tab from: ]
x 3 1 3 3 3 x 6 5 7 6 6 x 8 7 9 8 8
Cm9 Ebmaj9 Fmaj9
I wanna get to know you. I really wanna snag you baby.
Cm9 Ebmaj9 Fmaj9
One dose of my lovin', until it gon' drive you crazy.
Cm9 Ebmaj9 Fmaj9
I wanna be your lover. I wanna get to know you, lady.
Cm9 Ebmaj9 Fmaj9
One dose of my lovin', until it gon' drive you crazy.
**repeat sme chord sequence during rapping and every chorus**