Romans 12:1-2
Song: I Will Offer My Life
Artist: Garry Mulgrew
Album: Who Will Ascend
CCLI Song #: 3507533
Written By: Garry Mulgrew
Copyright: © 2002 Poured Out Music
Tabbed By: Garry Mulgrew
Verse 1
G2 C2 Em7 D C2
Jesus, Jesus, Holy is Your name
G2 C2 Em7 D C2
Master, Saviour, You're worthy to be praised
[ Tab from: ]
D Em7 C2
I will offer my life as a living sacrifice
G2 D C2
Holy acceptable to You
D Em7 C2
I will not bow down to the things of this world
G2 D C2
Let me be transformed by You
Em c Em C2
To be transformed by you, I want to be transformed by you (Repeat Out-tro)
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