Gary Numan - Are Friends Electric Chords & Tabs


Are Friends Electric Chords & Tabs

Gary Numan Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Bass Tab

Are Friends Electric Bass Tab

Hey guys, great song and I saw mistakes in the other bass tab, and I'm 100% sure this is 
the full song without mistakes.


--------------------------2-----|  x6

After intro
------------------------------------------| x1

intro x1

intro with change x1
[ Tab from: ]
intro x4

after intro x1


-----3-0---7---7-----2----5-------| x6

------------------------------------------------------| x4

intro x6

after intro x1

intro x1

intro with change x1

intro x4

after intro x1

intro x1

after intro x1

chorus x6

intro until end
How to play Are Friends Electric