Gary Numan - Are Friends Electric Chords & Tabs


Are Friends Electric Chords & Tabs

Gary Numan Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Are Friends Electric Chords

#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------## (Non Receipt Notification Requested)
Subject: Gary.Numan

------------------------------ Start of body part 1

Hello James,

here is writing Markus from Germany (Wuerzburg).
( email-addr.: )

we all enjoy the music-database You are supporting and perhaps
have founded ...
And because I think this MUSIC-BASE is used more international
and world-width, i have also a desire to YOUR's ...
I hope YOUR mind is still free (and not barred) for any kind of
music existing ...
What I want YOU to do is to insert some tracks of Gary NUMAN,
maybe in the GUITAR-Archive ...
In this case I really hope that he is not unknown to US-Guys,
which are known as more interrested in HEAVY's more than real
music ...!?!
NUMAN is known as perhaps the first superstar of the synthesizer,
but I think he is more than a musician fixed on keyboards...
His great concerts in the beginnig eighties are not only acustic
events, no they are optical unforgetable ...
But I won' t not to tell so much about my kind of music...
Gary Numan only on time came in the US-Charts, in 1979/80 with
the Track 'Cars' (Top9),but in Britain he had 8 TopTen-Tracks (2 No.1)
and 3 No.1 record's ...
The best classics are "Are 'Friends' Electric?", "Cars", "We Are
Glass", "Down in the Park" ...
The best later are "She's got Claws", "Music for Chameleons",
"We take mystery (to bed), "Worriors" ...
So if You are involved in his music you may be more interrested
in his former Tracks of the Punk-Style ...
Nevertheless I hope you are thinking globaly ( for example on britains
(or europeans) who are interrest in YOUR Base ...

Therefore I have attached the lyrics of some common songs:
"Are 'Friends' Electric?", "Cars" and "Down in the Park".
I hope You can perhaps get more musical information so You are able
to provide an entry in this Base.

beforehand many thanks
(Maybe you can tell me via net why You are angry about my letter if
there it is)
[ Tab from: ]

>>Are 'Friends' Electric?<<

It's cold outside
And the paints peeling off of my walls
There's a man outside
In a long coat, grey hat, smoking a cigarette

Now the light fades out
And I wonder what I'm doing in a room like this
There's a knock on the door
And just for a second I thought I remembered you

	So now I'm alone
	Now I can think for myself
	About little deals
	And S.U's
	And things that I just don't understand
	A white lie that night
	Or a sly touch at times
	I don't think it meant anything to you

So I open the door
It's the 'friend' that I'd left in the hallway
'Please sit down'
A candle lit shadow on a wall near the bed

You know I hate to ask
But are 'friends' electric ?
Only mine's broke down
And now I've no-one to love

	So I find out your reason
	For the phone calls and smiles
	And it hurts
	And I'm lonely
	And I should never have tried
	And I missed you tonight
	It must be time to leave
	You see it meant everything to me


Here in my car
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
It's the only way to live
In cars.

Here in my car
I can only receive
I can listen to you
It keeps me stable for days
In cars.

Here in my car
The image breaks down
Will you visit me. Please.
If I open my door
In cars.

Here in my car
I know I've started to think
About leaving tonight
Although nothing seems right
In cars.

I know I've started to think
I know I've started to think

>>Down in the Park<<

Down in the park
Where the machmen
Meet the machines
And play 'kill-by-numbers'
Down in the park
With a friend called 'five'

I was in a car crash
Or was it the war
But I've never been
Quite the same.
Little white lies
Like 'I was there'

Come to 'zom zoms'
A place to eat
Like it was built
In one day.
You can watch the humans
trying to run

Oh look
There's a rape machine
I'd go outside
If he'd look the other way
You wouldn't believe
the things they do

Down in the park
Where the chant is
'Death, death, death'
Until the sun cries morning
Down in the park
With friends of mine

'We are not lovers
We are not
We are here to serve you'
A different face
But the words never change

------------------------------ Start of body part 2

bye ...

------------------------------ End of body part 2
How to play Are Friends Electric