Geoff Moore - When All Is Said And Done Chords & Tabs


When All Is Said And Done Chords & Tabs

Geoff Moore Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

When All Is Said And Done Chords

Geoff Moore and the Distance
"When all is said and Done."

   D                                        G
When the music fades into the past
                  D                       G
When my days of life are through
   D                                      G
What will be remembered where  I've come
           G        A            D
When all is said and done.

               D                        G
Will they say I've loved my family
  D                           G
That I was a faithful friend
           D                   G
That I lived to tell of God's own son
          G      A          D
When all is said and done.
[ Tab from: ]
 Bm                                             A
  Of  how I how longed to see the hour
 Bm                                              A
  When I would hear that trumpet sound
 Bm                     A        G
  Rise to see my saviors face
  See Him smile and say well done.

             D                                     G
You can forget my name and the songs I've sung
D                               G
Every ryme and every tune
        D                              G
But remember the truth of Jesus love
          G       A           Bm
When all is said and done
G                A            D
When all is said and done.
How to play When All Is Said And Done