Geoff Muldaur - Just A Little While Chords & Tabs


Just A Little While Chords & Tabs

Geoff Muldaur Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Just A Little While Chords

Drop D tuning

A7  xxxxx1              G  xxxxxx
    xx2x31                 xxxx1x
D    Dm   D    Dm   D  A7  D
Soon this life will be all over,
D   Dm  D   Dm D   A7   D7
And our pilgrimage will end.
G(slide 2~3) X 3         D   B7    
Soon we'll take our heavenly journey,
E                     A7 ~  D           
Be at home again with friends                 

Heaven's gates are standing open
Waiting for our entrance there
Some sweet day we're going over
All the beauties there to share.

Just a Little while to stay here
Just a little while to wait
Just a little while to labor
In the path thats always straight
[ Tab from: ]
Just a little more of trouble
In this low and sinful state
Then we'll enter Heaven's portals,
Sweeping thru the pearly gates.

Soon we'll see the light of morning
Then the new day will begin
Soon we'll hear the Father calling,
Come my children, enter in.

Then we'll hear a choir of angels
Singing out the victory song,
All our troubles will be ended
And we'll live with heaven's throng

Just a Little while to stay here
Just a little while to wait
Just a little while to labor
In the path that's always straight

Just a little more of trouble
In this low and sinful state
Then we'll enter Heaven's portals,
Sweeping thru the pearly gates.

Soon we'll meet again our loved ones
And we'll take them by the hand,
Soon we'll press them to our bosom
Over in the promised land;

Then we'll be at home forever,
Thru-out all eternity,
What a blessed, blessed morning
That eternal morn shall be.

Just a Little while to stay here
Just a little while to wait
Just a little while to labor
In the path that's always straight

Just a little more of trouble
In this low and sinful state
Then we'll enter Heaven's portals,
Sweeping thru the pearly gates.
How to play Just A Little While