Glen Hansard - Philander Chords & Tabs


Philander Chords & Tabs

Glen Hansard Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Philander Chords


PLEASE READ the chords first since there are TWO DIFFERENT VARIATIONS of F chords 
that need to be used also continue reading for the playing technique.

I am also iffy about the F during the verses so if you think its something else 
please let me know and I will change it.

For the verses you can mute the chords and should only play the low strings of the 
chord, this is very apparent in the song if you listen. 
During the chorus the song is much livelier so you can start playing the chords 
loud, unmuted and play all strings. 
As for the rhythm just listen to the song, its really easy to pick up. 
LISTEN to the song in order to pick up chords timings etc since he drags out many of the words

If you have any questions or changes please let me know and please give credit if 
you reuse my tab. Thanks and Enjoy 

          VERSE                         CHORUS

   Am    G     F    E7             C    F (Variation)

      Am   G      F      E7
Stuck here in the corner

Am         G   F         E7
I'm kissing my philander
[ Tab from: ]
Am             G
She never said goodbye,

F            E7
only see you later

Am                           G        F      E7
Well I've been making this a plan for you


C                    F (v)
And I'm always gonna love you

C                F (v)             
I'm always gonna stay


Am   G       F         E7
Here with my philander

Am      G       F      E7
Up here on this platter

Am        G       F         E7
I'm layed out for philander


C                    F (v)
I'll star you in my movie 

C             F (v)
I'm making it now


Am      G             F     E7
So come on you little actor

Am           G    F         E7
Don't let me down philander


Am     G      F     E7
Am     G      F     E7


C                    F (v)
And I'm always gonna love you

C             F (v)
I'm always gonna stay

C                    F (v)
And I'm always gonna love you

C             F (v)
I'm always gonna stay

Am   G       F         E7
Here with my philander

Am     G      F     E7
How to play Philander