Green Day - Are We The Waiting Chords & Tabs


Are We The Waiting Chords & Tabs

Green Day Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Are We The Waiting Chords

this is my first tab 
bt sure its rite 
here it goes

        A                          D                       

 Guitar 1

Verse in the sme way as the intro(tha A part)
[ Tab from: ]
 A5                           D5
 stary nights..               down over me..  
 A5                           D5
 sky scrapers..               my head
 A5                           D5
 are we, we are..             waiting unknown?

 F#5                          E5
 this dirty town..            burning down in..
 D5                           F#5
 E5                           D5

A5                          D5
are we we are..             waiting?