Guns N Roses - My Michelle Chords & Tabs


My Michelle Chords & Tabs

Guns N Roses Chords & Tabs

Version: 4 Type: Tab

My Michelle Tab

Tabbed by:cody armstrong(anti-goth)

Tuning:Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb(i think)



 Riff A


  /-Riff B--------------------------\
|-------------------------------------| |----------------------|
|-------------------------------------| |----------------------|
|-------------------------------------| |----------------------|
|-------------------------------------| |----------------------|
|-8--8-7--6-4-6-4-----------4~~-4-----| |-8--8-7--6-7-6-4--4hb-|
|-----------------6-6-6-4-6-------5-6-| |----------------------|

 verses: 1, 2, 3 (x2)

D5    E5   B5      C#5  E5    A5     D5  C#5  B5   A5  G5  A5
well well well you just can't tell, well well well my michelle

W/Riff A & fig.2

 fbr=full bend release
 hbr=half bend release            fill 4
|---------------------------|   |-----------5-------5------------------|
|-4-hbr-hbr-hbr-hbr-hbr-hbr-|   |---------5---5-8fb---8-5--------------|
|-4-fbr-fbr-fbr-fbr-fbr-fbr-|   |-7fb-(7)-----------------7fbrp5-7-5---|
|---------------------------|   |------------------------------------7-|
|---------------------------|   |--------------------------------------|
|---------------------------|   |--------------------------------------|
[ Tab from: ]
[verse 2]


D5   E5(7)   B5    C#5  E5(7)  A5     D5  C#5  B5   A5  G5  A5
well well well you just can't tell, well well well my michelle
                  w/fill 4 (2nd time)--

E5(7) D5        A5  B5       G5        E5
everyone needs love you know that it's true

E5(7) D5        A5                  B5
someday you'll find someone that'll fall in love with you

E5(7)      D5       A5     B5         G5  E5
but oh the time it takes, when you're all alone

E5(7) D5       A5                B5
someday you'll find someone that you Can call your own but til then you better





[3rd verse]

D5   E5(7)   B5    C#5  E5(7)  A5     D5  C#5  B5   A5  G5  A5
well well well you just can't tell, well well well my michelle

G#5 A5 G#5 A5   G#5 A5                C5\ %
      my   my   my        mi - chelle   / 1X


i think this is pretty accurate. Rate Please!

| /  slide up
| \  slide down
| h  hammer-on
| p  pull-off
| ~  vibrato
| +  harmonic
| x  Mute note
How to play My Michelle