Iced Earth - Iced Earth Chords & Tabs


Iced Earth Chords & Tabs

Iced Earth Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

Iced Earth Tab

Artist: Iced Earth
Song: Iced Earth
Tuning: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb
Tabbed by: Metal Matt

The world is hurting for Iced Earth tab's so I figured why not. Enjoy.


                                             End Intro

 Riff A
     . .     . .     . .   . .   . . . . 
                                    End Riff A
       .     . .     . .   . .   . . . .
 Riff 1A                                         End Riff 1A

 Riff 1B                           End Riff 1B

 Riff 1C                                         End Riff 1C

 Riff B                  

                             End Riff B

Fill 1
[ Tab from: ]
 Riff 2A                                           End Riff 2A
      ... ... ...    . . ... ...    . . ... ...    . . .
 Riff 2B                                   
       . . .  . . .  . . .     .  .  . . .  . . . 
                                           End Riff 2B
    .  .  . . .  . . .     .  .  . 
 Riff C                                              End Riff C
                                                      . . . 
 Riff D                                          
   .   . ... ...   . . ... ... .   . ... ...
                                          End Riff D
   .   . ... ...   . . .   . .   . . .         .
 Riff E                                     End Riff E
   . . .   . . . . .   . .   . . .   . . . . .   . . 
 Riff F               
     ...   ..     ...     .. 
                   End Riff F
     ...   ..    ...    ..
 Riff G                           End Riff G
     . .     . .     . .   . .     . .  
 Outro                 End Outro Fill 2
   .  . . . . ... .  .  . . . .   ... .
Fill 3

Ok here's the song order but it would be much easier if you just listened to
it yourself. Of course if you're reading this you probably have the son.

Intro (x2)
Riff A (x6)
Bass Interlude (not tabbed out)
Riff A (x4)
Riff 1A (x4)
Riff 1B (x2)
Riff 1C (x2)
Riff B (x2)
Fill 1 (x1)
Riff 2A (x4)
Riff 2B (x2)
Riff C (x2)
Riff D (x4)
Riff E (x2)
Riff F (x2)
Riff A (x2)
Riff G (x4)
Outro (x4) x3 with Fill 2 then x1 with Fill 3


What do I see on the icy plains
The desolate one, it's my terrain
The wind it blows cold howling my name
I am the king of, the king of this waste

Can you see this arid land 
lain to waste
Ravaged, scorched yet frozen
from your neglect
I am the formless one
I came to save
You are the chosen ones
You'll be my slaves

I stand on the glacier above it all
Watching them crumble, watching them crawl
Iced Earth has risen, nature will fall
Death and destruction, watch them evolve

Can you feel the madness here
Drawing you all to near
Earth and fire, water and air
Save yourselves from despair

We are together now
Crush the cowards, do it now
End the light, end the one
We have come to save the young ones

So on and on the story goes
Destroying yourselves the pain it shows

Ok thats pretty much everything you need to know, or at least everything that 
I know. I'm not positive this is right but it's as close as I can get. Have 
fun kids.

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How to play Iced Earth