Im From Barcelona - Were From Barcelona Chords & Tabs


Were From Barcelona Chords & Tabs

Im From Barcelona Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

Were From Barcelona Tab

okay, I started playing guitar about 2 weeks ago (as in: I literally bought it, learned 
chords, and how to read tabs two weeks ago), so I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing this 
and this is also my first tab, so feel free to correct any mistakes, or add to the song.

[ Tab from: ]
B--- 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 ---------- 9 9 --- 7 -------|
G------------------------- 7 5 --- 5 ----- 10 --- 10 --|
D----------------------------- 6 7 --------------------|

as far as I'm aware this repeats itself until the part that goes "we'll aim for the 
we'll aim for your heart..." which is different, but after that all the "na na na na"'s and 
of the song uses this tab.