Song :- Daastan
Band :- Inteha
Tabbed by :- Knight_Guitar
this is my fav song from pakistan its pakistani savage garden
*note it's better if u refer to the text document cause it's better that way the thread
screwed my tabaluture
Intro :- (Bass Tabs)(it's better if use rolling to play the intro bass)
While playing intro (bass tabs) :- play the following tabs (distorted)
(i'm not writting how to strum these notes, i belive u'll find out urself)
ho kaise...Main...kahooonnnn...
Tujh......main......Rahoon |--------|<-----Music in between (hear the audio u'll come to
what i'm talking about)
[ Tab from: ]
Khawabon...mere.....Bassa |-----------------------------|
Sun ........................Saajna.........pukaar
Tujh...........................kaise.............. .rahoon
MusiC in between :-
For the verses.. the progression goes same.. a little change.. !! i'm very confused