J Geils Band - Centerfold Chords & Tabs


Centerfold Chords & Tabs

J Geils Band Chords & Tabs

Version: 3 Type: Tab

Centerfold Tab

Speed: Moderate-Fast

The riff:
B --/12-----12-10---------------------------10--------10---------|
G ----------------12-12----12-9-12-12--9-12----12-12-------------|
D ---------------------------------------------------------------|
A ---------------------------------------------------------------|
E ---------------------------------------------------------------|

E ------10------------------------------------------------------|
B ---12-----12-10---------------------------10------------------|
G ----------------12-12----12-9-12-12--9-12----12-12------------|
D --------------------------------------------------------------|
A --------------------------------------------------------------|
E --------------------------------------------------------------|

During the verses, part of the riff is played an octave lower:

E ---------------------------------------------------------------|
B ---------------------------------------------------------------|
G -------7----------------OR------7------------------------------|
D ----/9---9--7--5--5----------/9---9--7-------------------------|
A ----------------------------------------10--10-----------------|
E ---------------------------------------------------------------|

There are other places to play it on the neck too; do what's most

The chords are a simple G, F, C through most of the song:

    G       (MUTE)   F          C          F         C
E ------------------------------------------------------------|
B --12--12--X-X-X-X--10-10-----------------10-----------------|
G --12--12--X-X-X-X--10-10------9---9------10--------9--------|
D --12--12--X-X-X-X--10-10------10--10-----10--------10-------|
A --10--10--X-X-X-X--8--8----0--10--10-----8---------10-------|
E ------------------------------8---8----------------8--------|
 My blood runs cold        MY   memory has just been sold

If that proves too daunting (or you have a second guitarist) then
play it as open chords.  This particular voicing is what I
believe Mr. Geils (yes, he exists and was the guitarist) to be
playing on the recording.

The pre-chorus:

     Em                                  Am          G   D
E ---0-----------------------------------0-----------3---2-------|
B ---0-----------------------------------1-----------0---3-------|
G ---0-----------------------------------2-----------0---2-------|
D ---2-----------------------------------2-----------0---0-------|
A ---2-----------------------------------0-----------2-----------|
E ---0-----------------------------------0-----------3-----------|

   A part of me has just been ripped the pages of my mind are

And that's pretty much all you need to know.  No solo, and the
rest is easy if you try it with the song, even that little low
riff after the false ending.  Towards the fade out, Peter Wolf
sings a harmony to the main riff on "Na-na", which you can play
on guitar if you choose:

E /12-10-10-12-10-10--10-10-8-8----8-10-8-8-10--and-repeat------|
B ------------------------------10------------------------------|
G --------------------------------------------------------------|
D --------------------------------------------------------------|
A --------------------------------------------------------------|
E --------------------------------------------------------------|

Dan Amrich
Welcome to life. Spelling counts.

Used to play this in a band I was in, but we rearranged it a bit - the lead
guitar played the cheesy keyboard parts at the start etc.
Here's a rough idea :

G 	       F              C                 F   C
Does she walk, does she talk, does she come complete
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/j/j_geils_band/centerfold_tab_ver_3.html ]
   G                    F           C               F   C
My home-brew, home-room angel, just pulled me to my feet

G                 F              C              F    C
She was pure like snowflakes, no one could ever stain

    G            F           C              F   C
The memory of my angel could never cause me pain

    Em                             Am        C   D
The years go by I'm looking thru a girly magazine

    Em                           Am          C   D
And there's my ---- angel on the pages in between


   G              F        C          F         C
My blood runs cold,     my memory has just been sold

   G            F          C             F         C
My angel is tha centrefold (angel is the centrefold)

My blood runs cold, my memory has just been sold

Da, da, da etc.... (I'll post this riff next time)

Hit the chords hard & sharp (listen to the record for the rythym.)
If time allows I'll recall the riff at the start and post an improved
version tomorrow.


J Geils Band "Centrefold"

This is my first transcription and so there will probably be a lot of mistakes, so any 
can be sent to me and I'll then re-post it. This should help make up for the 250 or so 
that I've downloaded!
I'm afraid there are no time signatures because I don't know how to illustrate them, but 
you listen to the original you'll know what I mean.

Intro (Played on an organ on the original)
This is played through twice and then the other instruments come in and it is played twice again.

E    -------------------------------------------|
B    -------------------------------------------|
G    ---7---------------------------------------|
D    -9---9-7-------------------------7-------7-|
A    ---------10-10---10-7-10-10-7-10---10-10---|
E    -------------------------------------------|

Main Riff
	The main riff consists of the chords G F C F in that order. To get the actual pattern 
the strums you'll have to listen to the original.

	 F   G   C
E	-1- -3- -3-|
B	-1- -3- -4-|
G	-2- -4- -4-|
D	-3- -5- -4-|
A	-3- -5- -3-|
E	-1- -3- -X-|

(Riff 1) Pre Chorus
	The pre chorus follows each verse as a continuation ie there's no gap in between the 
and pre-chorus.

E	-----------------------------------------------------------|
B	-----------------------------------------------------------|
G	-----------------------------------------------------------|
D	-----------------------------------------------------------|
A	------------------------3--5-------------------------------|
E	--0----------5---------------------------------------------|

(Riff 2) Just before the last line of each chorus

E	-----------------------------------------------------------|
B	-----------------------------------------------------------|
G	----7------------------------------------------------------|
D	--9---9-7--------------------------------------------------|
A	----------10-10--------------------------------------------|
E	-----------------------------------------------------------|

(Riff 3) The following four sections come during the third verse, about 2 minutes into 
song, again you'll have to listen to the song to figure out where but they are played 
each in the order I've shown.

E	-------------|-----------------|---------|-------10--------|
B	-------------|--------------8--|---8-10^-|-11-11^---8------|
G	-------------|-----------------|---------|-----------------|
D	--8----------|---10-8----------|---------|-----------------|
A	----10-8-10--|--------10-10----|---------|-----------------|
E	-------------|-----------------|---------|-----------------|
How to play Centerfold