John Lennon - Crippled Inside Chords & Tabs


Crippled Inside Chords & Tabs

John Lennon Chords & Tabs

Version: 3 Type: Tab

Crippled Inside Tab

This arrangement works when 1st guitar  is tuned down half a step and slide is tuned to open D. 
I did this so that the fret markers would still be on odd numbered frets. I did use software 
to arrange this but the playback does not sound EXACTLY like the recording in some measures.
Adding that requirement quadruples the effort. So, as many tabs suggest "listen to the song 
for timing".

(Capo 2)
      You  can  shine your    shoes and  wear a       suit                                               
D ||-----------------------|-----------------------|------------------------|--5-----------------|
A ||-----------------------|-----------------------|-------------------5----|--------------------|
D ||-----------------------|-----------------------|------------------------|--------------------|
A ||-----------------------|-----------------------|------------------------|--------------------|
D ||-----------------------|-----------------------|------------------------|--------------------|

  You  can  comb your    hair and  look quite    cute                                                     

  You  can  hide your    face be   hind a       smile                        One  thing you cant  

  hide                     Is  when youre crippled in      side                                              

  You  can  wear a       mask and  paint your    face                                                                             

  You  can  call your    self the  hu   man     race                                                                    

  You  can  wear a       col  lar  and  a       tie                         One  thing you cant                                 

  hide                           Is  when youre crippled in      side                       

       Well now  you     know      that your    Cat       has  nine    lives                  

  Babe                   Nine      lives         to   it        self                              

[ Tab from: ]
                     But     you  only got  one                  And  a       dogs life aint fun  

                           Mamma      take a       look           ou      side                   



Last verse

                                              You  can  live a       lie  un   til  you   

  die                           One  thing you  cant    hide                     

       I/  when youre crippled in    side                        One  thing you cant  

  hide                        Is when youre crippled in      side                    

       One  thing you cant    hide                                  Is when youre crippled in     


How to play Crippled Inside