John Mayer - In Your Atmosphere Chords & Tabs


In Your Atmosphere Chords & Tabs

John Mayer Chords & Tabs

Version: 7 Type: Tab

In Your Atmosphere Tab

This me playing John Mayer In your Atmosphere my way, here is a link to me playing 
it on youtube if you are having problems:)

2x 3x= play it 2 times, 3 times etc

Song: John Mayer - In your Atmosphere
Tab: Kim Lervik, Norway
Tuning: Standard
Youtube link:

E|0-------------|      This tab,this is the top E -->E|--0-----------|
A|--------------|      of you guitar (bass string)   A|--7-----------|
D|--------------|      and down                      D|--9-----------|
G|--------------|                                    G|--9-----------|
B|---(12)-------|                                    B|--0-----------|
E|---(12)-------|                                    E|--0-----------|

|--0->-0--0->-0--| |--0->-0--0->-0--| |--0->-0--0-0-0---|   |---0->-0-|
|--7->-2--7->-0--| |--7->-2--7->-0--| |--7->-2--4-2-0---|   |---0->-2-|
|--9->-4--9->-2--| |--9->-4--9->-2--| |--9->-4--6-4-2---|   |---2->-4-|
|--9->-4--9->-2--| |--9->-4--9->-2--| |--9->-4--6-4-2---|   |---2->-4-|
|--0->-0--0->-0--| |--0->-0--0->-0--| |--0->-0--0-0-0---|   |---0->-0-|
|--0->-0--0->-0--| |--0->-0--0->-0--| |--0->-0--0-0-0---|   |---0->-0-|
 I dont think im    i dont think im    i dont know what      so i dont think
gonna go to La any-  gonna go to La     its like to land   im gonna go to La
more.               anymore..         and not race through   anymore...
                                      your door
[ Tab from: ]
2x Plays with middle solo (best if you have a 2nd guitarist og a loopstation)

Repeat Vers

|--0---0--||----0---0--|  |----0----0---|  |--0----|     |-0->-0----------|
|--4---2--||----4---2--|  |----4----2---|  |--0----|     |-0->-2----------|
|--6---4--||----6---4--|  |----6----4---|  |--2----|     |-2->-4--> vers2x| 
|--6---4--||----6---4--|  |----6----4---|  |--2----|     |-2->-4----------|
|--0---0--||----0---0--|  |----0----0---|  |--0----|     |-0->-0----------|
|--0---0--||----0---0--|  |----0----0---|  |--0----|     |-0->-0----------|
 im gonna   id burn up     im gonna steer   die if        so i dont think im gonna
 steer      in your        clear, cause i   i saw u       go to La anymore
 clear     atmosphere                      die if i
                                            didnt see
                                            you there


Then Vers again, and chorus.
Again check out my youtube link if you have any problems:)

Kim Lervik