Kodaline - High Hopes Chords & Tabs


High Hopes Chords & Tabs

Kodaline Chords & Tabs

Version: 3 Type: Chords

High Hopes Chords

I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe
Please e mail me with any corrections or suggestions to:-  g.smythe@sky.com

High Hopes – Kodaline

Kodaline play this in the key of  E

Verse 1

E        E/D#          C#m
  Broken bottles in the hotel lobby
A          E                G#7             C#m     B      A
  Seems to me like I'm just scared of never feeling it a - gain
    E        G#7           C#m      B      A
I know it's crazy to be - lieve in silly things
It's not that easy

Verse 2

E              E/D#               C#m
  I remember it now, it takes me back to when it all first started
A             E            G#7               C#m        B        A
  But I only got myself to blame for it, and  I   ac - cept that now
      E      G#7           C#m     B         A
It's time to let it go, go out and start a - gain
But it's not that easy


But I've got        
A      E          G#7              C#m     B   A
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
A      E              G#7             C#m     B         A
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
A     E      G#7       C#m        B     A
 High hopes,   when it all comes  to an end
                     B            E
But the world keeps spinning a - round


E         E/D#               C#m
A         E         G#7      C#m   B     A
A          B

Verse 3

E           E/D#               C#m                                         A
  And in my dreams, I meet the ghosts of all the people who've come and gone
A         E                   G#7                  C#m       B       A
  Memories, they seem to show up so quick but they leave you far too soon
      E              G#7            C#m    B      A
Na - ive, I was just staring at the barrel of the gun
And I do be - lieve that


But I've got        
A      E          G#7              C#m     B   A
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
A      E              G#7             C#m     B         A
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
A     E      G#7       C#m        B     A
 High hopes,   when it all comes  to an end
                     B            E
But the world keeps spinning a - round 
A                      B            E
  Yeah the world keeps spinning a - round


E         E/D#               C#m
A         E         G#7      C#m   B     A
A          B


A      E          G#7              C#m     B    A
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
A      E              G#7             C#m     B         A
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
A      E           G#7   C#m B  A
 High hopes, ooohhh
A                      B
  And the world keeps spinning
A                       B
  Yeah this world keeps spinning

A                       B
Ooooooooooooooo     ooooooooo
A                      B              E
  How this world keeps  spinning a - round 

Outro:  played real slow

E      E/D#   C#m
A      B    E
       Mmm  Mmm  Mmmm

Play with capo on 4th Fret

Verse 1
C        C/B           Am     
  Broken bottles in the hotel lobby
F          C                E7              Am      G      F
  Seems to me like I'm just scared of never feeling it a - gain
    C        E7            Am       G      F
I know it's crazy to be - lieve in silly things
It's not that easy

Verse 2

C              C/B                Am     
  I remember it now, it takes me back to when it all first started
F             C            E7                Am         G        F
  But I only got myself to blame for it, and  I   ac - cept that now
      C      E7            Am      G         F
It's time to let it go, go out and start a - gain
But it's not that easy


But I've got        
F      C          E7               Am      G   F
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
F      C              E7              Am      G         F
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
F     C      E7        Am         G     F
 High hopes,   when it all comes  to an end
                     G            C
But the world keeps spinning a - round


C         C/B                Am 
F         C         E7       Am    G     F
F          G

Verse 3

C           C/B                Am                                          F
  And in my dreams, I meet the ghosts of all the people who've come and gone
F         C                   E7                   Am        G       F
  Memories, they seem to show up so quick but they leave you far too soon
      C              E7             Am     G      F
Na - ive, I was just staring at the barrel of the gun
And I do be - lieve that


But I've got        
F      C          E7               Am      G   F
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
F      C              E7              Am      G         F
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
F     C      E7        Am         G     F
 High hopes,   when it all comes  to an end
                     G            C
But the world keeps spinning a - round 
F                      G            C
  Yeah the world keeps spinning a - round


C         C/B                Am 
F         C         E7       Am    G     F
F          G


F      C          E7               Am      G    F  
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
F      C              E7              Am      G         F
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
F      C           E7    Am  G  F
 High hopes, ooohhh
F                      G
  And the world keeps spinning
F                       G
  Yeah this world keeps spinning

F                       G  
Ooooooooooooooo     ooooooooo
F                      G              C
  How this world keeps  spinning a - round 

Outro:  played real slow

C      C/B    Am 
F      G    C
       Mmm  Mmm  Mmmm

Verse 1

D        D/C#          Bm
  Broken bottles in the hotel lobby
G          D                F#7             Bm      A      G
  Seems to me like I'm just scared of never feeling it a - gain
    D        F#7           Bm       A      G
I know it's crazy to be - lieve in silly things
It's not that easy

Verse 2

D              D/C#               Bm
  I remember it now, it takes me back to when it all first started
G             D            F#7               Bm         A        G
  But I only got myself to blame for it, and  I   ac - cept that now
      D      F#7           Bm      A         G
It's time to let it go, go out and start a - gain
But it's not that easy


But I've got        
G      D          F#7              Bm      A   G
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
G      D              F#7             Bm      A         G
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
G     D      F#7       Bm         A     G
 High hopes,   when it all comes  to an end
                     A            D
But the world keeps spinning a - round


D         D/C#               Bm
G         D         F#7      Bm    A     G
G          A

Verse 3

D           D/C#               Bm                                          G
  And in my dreams, I meet the ghosts of all the people who've come and gone
G         D                   F#7                  Bm        A       G
  Memories, they seem to show up so quick but they leave you far too soon
      D              F#7            Bm     A      G
Na - ive, I was just staring at the barrel of the gun
And I do be - lieve that


But I've got        
G      D          F#7              Bm      A   G
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
G      D              F#7             Bm      A         G
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
G     D      F#7       Bm         A     G
 High hopes,   when it all comes  to an end
                     A            D
But the world keeps spinning a - round 
G                      A            D
  Yeah the world keeps spinning a - round


D         D/C#               Bm
G         D         F#7      Bm    A     G
G          A


G      D          F#7              Bm      A    G
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
G      D              F#7             Bm      A         G
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
G      D           F#7   Bm  A  G
 High hopes, ooohhh
G                      A
  And the world keeps spinning
G                       A
  Yeah this world keeps spinning
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/k/kodaline/high_hopes_crd_ver_3.html ]
G                       A
Ooooooooooooooo     ooooooooo
G                      A              D
  How this world keeps  spinning a - round 

Outro:  played real slow

D      D/C#   Bm
G      A    D
       Mmm  Mmm  Mmmm
Verse 1

F        F/E           Dm
  Broken bottles in the hotel lobby
Bb         F                A7              Dm      C      Bb
  Seems to me like I'm just scared of never feeling it a - gain
    F        A7            Dm       C      Bb
I know it's crazy to be - lieve in silly things
It's not that easy

Verse 2

F              F/E                Dm
  I remember it now, it takes me back to when it all first started
Bb            F            A7                Dm         C        Bb
  But I only got myself to blame for it, and  I   ac - cept that now
      F      A7            Dm      C         Bb
It's time to let it go, go out and start a - gain
But it's not that easy


But I've got        
Bb     F          A7               Dm      C   Bb
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
Bb     F              A7              Dm      C         Bb
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
Bb    F      A7        Dm         C     Bb
 High hopes,   when it all comes  to an end
                     C            F
But the world keeps spinning a - round


F         F/E                Dm
Bb        F         A7       Dm    C     Bb
Bb         C

Verse 3

F           F/E                Dm                                          Bb
  And in my dreams, I meet the ghosts of all the people who've come and gone
Bb        F                   A7                   Dm        C       Bb
  Memories, they seem to show up so quick but they leave you far too soon
      F              A7             Dm     C      Bb
Na - ive, I was just staring at the barrel of the gun
And I do be - lieve that


But I've got        
Bb     F          A7               Dm      C   Bb
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
Bb     F              A7              Dm      C         Bb
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
Bb    F      A7        Dm         C     Bb
 High hopes,   when it all comes  to an end
                     C            F
But the world keeps spinning a - round 
Bb                     C            F
  Yeah the world keeps spinning a - round


F         F/E                Dm
Bb        F         A7       Dm    C     Bb
Bb         C


Bb     F          A7               Dm      C    Bb
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
Bb     F              A7              Dm      C         Bb
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
Bb     F           A7    Dm  C  Bb
 High hopes, ooohhh
Bb                     C
  And the world keeps spinning
Bb                      C
  Yeah this world keeps spinning

Bb                      C
Ooooooooooooooo     ooooooooo
Bb                     C              F
  How this world keeps  spinning a - round 

Outro:  played real slow

F      F/E    Dm
Bb     C    F
       Mmm  Mmm  Mmmm
Verse 1

G        G/F#          Em
  Broken bottles in the hotel lobby
C          G                B7              Em      D      C
  Seems to me like I'm just scared of never feeling it a - gain
    G        B7            Em       D      C
I know it's crazy to be - lieve in silly things
It's not that easy

Verse 2

G              G/F#               Em
  I remember it now, it takes me back to when it all first started
C             G            B7                Em         D        C
  But I only got myself to blame for it, and  I   ac - cept that now
      G      B7            Em      D         C
It's time to let it go, go out and start a - gain
But it's not that easy


But I've got        
C      G          B7               Em      D   C
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
C      G              B7              Em      D         C
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
C     G      B7        Em         D     C
 High hopes,   when it all comes  to an end
                     D            G
But the world keeps spinning a - round


G         G/F#               Em
C         G         B7       Em    D     C
C          D

Verse 3

G           G/F#               Em                                          C
  And in my dreams, I meet the ghosts of all the people who've come and gone
C         G                   B7                   Em        D       C
  Memories, they seem to show up so quick but they leave you far too soon
      G              B7             Em     D      C
Na - ive, I was just staring at the barrel of the gun
And I do be - lieve that


But I've got        
C      G          B7               Em      D   C
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
C      G              B7              Em      D         C
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
C     G      B7        Em         D     C
 High hopes,   when it all comes  to an end
                     D            G
But the world keeps spinning a - round 
C                      D            G
  Yeah the world keeps spinning a - round


G         G/F#               Em
C         G         B7       Em    D     C
C          D


C      G          B7               Em      D    C
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
C      G              B7              Em      D         C
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
C      G           B7    Em  D  C
 High hopes, ooohhh
C                      D
  And the world keeps spinning
C                       D
  Yeah this world keeps spinning

C                       D
Ooooooooooooooo     ooooooooo
C                      D              G
  How this world keeps  spinning a - round 

Outro:  played real slow

G      G/F#   Em
C      D    G
       Mmm  Mmm  Mmmm
Verse 1

A        A/G#          F#m
  Broken bottles in the hotel lobby
D          A                C#7             F#m     E      D
  Seems to me like I'm just scared of never feeling it a - gain
    A        C#7           F#m      E      D
I know it's crazy to be - lieve in silly things
It's not that easy

Verse 2

A              A/G#               F#m
  I remember it now, it takes me back to when it all first started
D             A            C#7               F#m        E        D
  But I only got myself to blame for it, and  I   ac - cept that now
      A      C#7           F#m     E         D
It's time to let it go, go out and start a - gain
But it's not that easy


But I've got        
D      A          C#7              F#m     E   D
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
D      A              C#7             F#m     E         D
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
D     A      C#7       F#m        E     D
 High hopes,   when it all comes  to an end
                     E            A
But the world keeps spinning a - round


A         A/G#               F#m
D         A         C#7      F#m   E     D
D          E

Verse 3

A           A/G#               F#m                                         D
  And in my dreams, I meet the ghosts of all the people who've come and gone
D         A                   C#7                  F#m       E       D
  Memories, they seem to show up so quick but they leave you far too soon
      A              C#7            F#m    E      D
Na - ive, I was just staring at the barrel of the gun
And I do be - lieve that


But I've got        
D      A          C#7              F#m     E   D
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
D      A              C#7             F#m     E         D
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
D     A      C#7       F#m        E     D
 High hopes,   when it all comes  to an end
                     E            A
But the world keeps spinning a - round 
D                      E            A
  Yeah the world keeps spinning a - round


A         A/G#               F#m
D         A         C#7      F#m   E     D
D          E


D      A          C#7              F#m     E    D
 High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
D      A              C#7             F#m     E         D
 High hopes, when you   let it go, go out and start a - gain
D      A           C#7   F#m E  D
 High hopes, ooohhh
D                      E
  And the world keeps spinning
D                       E
  Yeah this world keeps spinning

D                       E
Ooooooooooooooo     ooooooooo
D                      E              A
  How this world keeps  spinning a - round 

Outro:  played real slow

A      A/G#   F#m
D      E    A
       Mmm  Mmm  Mmmm