Lacuna Coil - Comalies Chords & Tabs


Comalies Chords & Tabs

Lacuna Coil Chords & Tabs

Version: 2 Type: Tab

Comalies Tab

Band- Lacuna Coil
Song- Comalies

(Guitar 1 (clean))
(0:00-1:22) & (1:37-2:39) & (2:54-4:39)


(Guitar 2 (dist.))
(0:00-0:45) & (3:25-4:39)


(Guitar 3 (dist.))
(0:15-0:45) & (1:52-2:07) & (3:09-3:24) & (3:54-4:39)


			(only 0:45 & 4:39)

(Guitar 2 (dist.))
(1:07-1:36) & (2:24-2:53)
[ Tab from: ]
|---5555555555555555/8-8-8-8-8888/12121212121212---||  (Repeat 2 times then go to Fig B)

Fig B (Guitar 2)							Fig C
|-------------------------------------||				|----------------
|-------------------------------------||				|----------------
|---7777/1010101010/14141414-121212---||				|----------------
|---5555/8-8-8-8-8-/12121212-121212---||  (Repeat 2 times then --->	|----------------
|-------------------------------------||				|---7^^-8--3^^\--
|-------------------------------------||				|----------------

Fig B (Guitar 1) (this part can't really be heard too well so this is a guess)
|---5555---------------------7-5-7----||  (Repeat 2 times)

(Guitar 1 (clean))

|---------1---------0-------1-----0---||					|-------|
|---------------3---------------------||					|---3---|
|-----0-2---2-0---0---2-0-2---2-0-----||					|---2---|
|---0---------------------------------||  (Repeat 2 times and end with --->	|---0---|
|-------------------------------------||					|---0---|
|-------------------------------------||					|-------|

How to play Comalies