Lamb - Softly Chords & Tabs


Softly Chords & Tabs

Lamb Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Softly Chords

This is just the simple chord structure of the song. Find the timing and the 
strumming yourself. I usually play the last Cm of every line from the 10th fret 
and the A# and D# on the 6th. Hope it's helpful. By Moe3344.

Cm D#   A#                       Cm   
Softly kissing you as you lie sleeping
[ Tab from: ]
Cm              D#                    A#                             Cm
Smiling on me your love gives me all the blessings of this new day
Cm              D#                    A#                             Cm
The heat in your skin caresses my senses in such a glorious way

      Cm         D#
Im so happy with you...
      A#          Cm
Im so happy with you...

---------------OR ALTERNATIVELY--------------

Place a capo on the 3rd fret. Then just play (Am, C, G, Am) instead of the chords 
shown above. Enjoy!
How to play Softly