Lamontagne Ray - Narrow Escape Chords & Tabs


Narrow Escape Chords & Tabs

Lamontagne Ray Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Narrow Escape Chords

Narrow Escape
Ray Lamontagne

Intro:  GDC 3 Times, G to D
[ Tab from: ]
G         D    G            D
Lejos and Mary Lay dazed in Liula
G           D             C
Dreaming of tropical signs
As Lejos lay sleeping
She knelt over him weeping
D                         G      D  G  D
Feeling the weight of his crimes
            G             D     G             D  
It seems he cut a man down in a Tennessee town
G                        D             C
And he's just licking his wounds for a spell
But it won't take long for the boys to catch on
D                              D7
And soon he'll be running like hell
C   D     G   D
Run Lejos run
C                           G        D
This ain't no time for that ball and chain
C   D     Em
Run Lejos run
D                      C
Climb on that pony and ride like you ain't never done

Refrain: GDC twice, then back into G to D

Well their love it was long
It was gentle and strong
And for a while she forgot his sins
And she kissed him for love
She kissed him for luck
She kissed him one time for a kid
Well they came in without a warning in the hours before morning
They come-a blasting through the windows and walls
And when the smoke it did clear
somebody cried out he ain't here
Killed ourselves a woman that's all
Run Lejos run
This ain't no time for that ball and chain
Run Lejos run
Climb on that pony and ride like you ain't never done
Ride like you ain't never done 

Outro:  GDC 3 times, GDG

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How to play Narrow Escape