Lang Andrew - Travelling Chords & Tabs


Travelling Chords & Tabs

Lang Andrew Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Travelling Chords

Andrew Lang
I wrote this one as well!!!
C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m [Repeat]                                                   [Let’s Go Travelling]
Verse 1
C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m  
Dri-vin           down            the                  rag-ged         roads,

C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m
Goin’             up	 	the		gras-sy	hills,

C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m
Got-ta  pay  your    taxes,                 gotta’     pay     your         bills, and

C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m
I saw             your face,      and I             never saw      it                   again. 
[ Tab from: ]
C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m
I saw             your face,      I saw it          while              I was      travel-ling.

C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m

Verse 2
C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m
Got-ta           put                 the		past		be-hind         you,

C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m
Got-ta		try 		and		get		there		soon.

C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m
Got-ta            get                there		soon.

C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m
Got-ta           try		and		see		that


C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m

C#m		E		C#m		E		B		C#m
[fade while repeating]

Copyright A. Lang 2002. All rights reserved.
How to play Travelling