Langhorne Slim - Take My Hand Chords & Tabs


Take My Hand Chords & Tabs

Langhorne Slim Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

Take My Hand Chords

Its early in the morning, what are we doing up still
drinking wine out of these coffee cups
thats fine by me
as long as Im layin by you

Last week I was in a foreign town,
I was a tourist then and Im a tourist now,
in the town I live in
I guess thats fine too

C         F      C
Im gonna find my way,
C             F       C
I got nothing left to say
C   F    C  G
but take my hand
G            C
come by and take my hand

Now I dont own a horse but Ill be back in the saddle
This time on tuesday Ill fly out of Seattle
back to Pensylvania
to pick up what I left
[ Tab from: ]
I dont miss the east coast seasons but I miss my ma
and I dont know the reason I miss my pa
he lives in New Jersey
it wasnt that far away


I made a lot of my own mistakes
theres a few I chose to loose, a few i chose to take

Verse 1

Here is the picking pattern I use, its not anything like his but I think it
sounds ok,  I use the same thing on all the verse chords and just make up 
the chorus bit as I go to fit the lyrics
      e  e  e  ss   e e e  e 
e= 1/8
s= 1/16
How to play Take My Hand