Langhorne Slim - The Way We Moves Chords & Tabs


The Way We Moves Chords & Tabs

Langhorne Slim Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Chords

The Way We Moves Chords

This is the title track from the new album "The Way We Move"
I'm just going to throw out the first chorus of the song that is played 0:00-0:28. Then 
everything after is played the exact same.
This is an easy one to figure out, with tones of variations to play along with.
[ Tab from: ]
Intro: A D x4   (in the intro on the 2nd time around he pulls of the E flat not on the B 
string and hammers it back on while playing the A)

A             D                               A              D
There we are! Standing in the shooting stars. in our houses, in our cars.
A               D              A                D
You didn't know it, now you do. this is the way! We move!

This is a fun song! If anyone has any questions or corrections just leave them below! Thanks!
How to play The Way We Moves