This is a mixed chord for Guitar, Bass, and also Strings. YOu may freely simplify the
chords and add some imprv..
Artist : Laruku
Song : Hitomi no Jyuunin
(Dweller of the Eyes/Belek di Mata..Heuheuheu)
Words : Hyde/ Music : Yukihiro
Chords by The Wise Destanto P.
<>! Ayo menyanyi bersama..
Bersama Alam.. Se~eh..!
G - Bm
F - Em
C - G
Am - D
G D/F# Emadd9 D* D/C-Cadd9-Cadd9
Kazoekirenai... demo sukoshi no
D/F# D7sus4
saigetsu wa nagare
G D/F# Emadd9 D* D/C-Cadd9-Cadd9
Ittai kimi no koto wo dore kurai
D/F# D7sus4
wakatteru no ka na?
Yubisaki de chizu
tadoru you ni wa
umaku ikanai ne
Kizuiteiru yo fuansou na kao
Kakushiteru kurai
Bm* D/F# E7sus4 Emadd9
I~~~so gia~~~shi no
Em/F# Em Bm* D/F#
a~~~~~shita e to
Em G/B
teikou suru you ni
Bm* D/F# E7sus4 GM7/D
Ka~~ke~~~ma~~~watteite mo
C* Gsus4/D
fushigi na kurai...
kono mune wa
kimi wo egaku yo
==(Strings hit)==
Jreng jreng!
Jreng jreng!
D/C Bm7*
kagayaki wa iroasezu
C* D* Bm7* Emadd9
Donna toki mo terashiteru
Gsus9 F* D*
ano tai~~~~~you no you ni
nareta nara
Emadd9 - Bm7 - CM7 -D
Emadd9 - Bm7 -
C - Am - Dm7 - Dm - F
__(do verse)__
Mou sukoshi dake
kimi no nioi ni...
dakareteitai na
Soto no kuuki ni
kubiwa wo hikare
boku wa se wo muketa
[ Tab from: ]
__(do pre-chorus)__
Shiroku nijinda
Tameiki ni
shirasareru toki wo
Kurikaeshi nagara
futo omou no sa...
naze boku wa
koko ni irun'darou?
__(do chorus)__
Soba ni ite
zutto kimi no egao wo
Utsuriyuku shunkan wo sono
hitomi ni sundeitai
Doko made mo
odayaka na shikisai ni
Hitotsu no fuukeiga no naka
Gsus9 F
yorisou you ni
Gsus9 F D(or orchestral fill)
toki wo tome~~~~~te hoshii
eien ni
__(Do orchestral fills, or just forget it.. =p)__
note length=3/16, apostrophes represent octaves
| C'-D'-F#'-D'-F#'-a' | F#'-a'-C"-a'-C"-D" |
| C"-D"-F#"-D"-F#"-a" | F#"-a"-C"'-a"-C"'-D"' |
Em Bm
Jeng-jeng-jeng-jeng! jeng-jeng!
C Bm7
Jreng.. jreng...
Em B7sus4
Jeng-jeng-jeng-jeng! jeng-jeng!
C Bm7
Jreng.. jreng...
Em Bm7
Jeng-jeng-jeng-jeng! Jeng-jeng!
Em Em F
Jeng-jeng-jeng-jeng! Jrengjrengjreng dst
__(do intro aja)__
__(do chorus)__
Soba ni ite zutto kimi no egao wo mitsumeteitai
Utsuriyuku shunkan wo sono hitomi ni sundeitai
Itsu no hi ka azayaka na kisetsu e to tsuredasetara
Yuki no you ni sora ni saku
G9sus F
hana no moto e...
hana no moto e...
(4 layers strings part)
(hi-strings fade)
(3-strings part)
(add portamento time for mid strings 1&2)
==>>*)Keterangan :<<===============
"*" (D*, atau Cm7* dll) => root inversion.. or just try other inversion to fit it.
Refer to the bass note. L'Arc en Ciel!! Please come to Indonesia..!! And give me a free
ticket for your concert..