Last Man Standing - Once Upon A Time Ago Chords & Tabs


Once Upon A Time Ago Chords & Tabs

Last Man Standing Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Drum Tab

Once Upon A Time Ago Drum Tab

Hi, i am 14, this is my 1st tab and its a band im in at school. i hope u like it. the letters down the side
r the same, s = snare, b = bass, r = ride etc etc... this should sound good if played right. in the solo
try to use the bass drum as a guide as i sumtimes get lost.

Drummer(ME): Dan Morris
Guitarist: Adam Rolinson
Guitarist: Becky Arowsmith
Bassist: James Bailey


R   I----------------Ix---x---x---x---I----------------Ix---x---x---x---I
MT  I--------oooo----I----------------I--------oooo----I----------------I
LT  I----oooo--------I----------------I----oooo--------I----------------I
S   Ioooo------------I----o-------o---Ioooo------------I----o-------o---I
F   I------------ooooI----------------I------------ooooI----------------I
B   Io---o---o---o---Io---------o-----Io---o---o---o---Io---------o-----I

[ Tab from: ]
           [   Repeat 3X   ]
C          IX--------------I----------------I
H          I-xxx-x-xxxx----I----------------I
MT         I---------------Io---------------I
LT         I---------------I--------o-------I
S          I----o-o----ooooI----o-------o---I
F          I---------------I----------o-----I
B          Io------o-------Io---o---o---o---I
HH W Foot  IX------X-------I----------------I

           [   Repeat 3X   ]
C          IX--------------I----------------I
H          I-xxx-x-xxxx----I----------------I
MT         I---------------Io---------------I
LT         I---------------I--------o-------I
S          I----o-o----ooooI----o-------o---I
F          I---------------I----------o-----I
B          Io------o-------Io---o---o---o---I
HH W Foot  IX------X-------I----------------I

     [            Repeat 2X            ]
C    IX---------------I--------------X-I
R    I----------------I------------X---I
HH   I----------------I----------------I
MT   I----------------I---ooo----------I
LT   I----------------I------ooo-------I
S    I-ooo-ooooo-oooo-Iooo-------------I
F    I----------------I---------ooo----I
B    Io-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-Io--o--o--o--o-o-I

Gradually getting quiter. the stick is across the snare ewxcept last note.
    [            Repeat 2X            ]
HH  IX---X---X---X---IX---X---X---X---IX---X---X---X---IX---X---X-------I
S   I--------o-------I--------o-------I--------o-------I--------o---o---I
F   I----------------I----------------I----------------I------------o---I
B   Io-----o-----o---I----o-------o---Io---o---o---o---Io---o---o---o---I

How to play Once Upon A Time Ago