Lee Rocker And Big Blue - When Youre Not Here Chords & Tabs


When Youre Not Here Chords & Tabs

Lee Rocker And Big Blue Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

When Youre Not Here Tab

		When You're Not Here - Lee Rocker & Big Blue
Date:  Dec. 12, 2008
Tabbed by:  Kevin76
Email:  apr25_1976@yahoo.com

Info & Disclaimers:
1.  I'm still learning (only been playing ~3 months), and there are parts that are still 
me so far, but I think the main riff is accurate (except it's missing a "turnaround" 
the last & first E)
2.  I haven't found the lyrics online, and I haven't quite figured out the 3rd line of 
2nd verse yet (uncertainty denoted by [square brackets]).
3.  Play it slow, and play it loud!  Don't just pluck the strings, PLUCK THE STRINGS!

Tuning:  Standard

h  hammer-on
p  pull-off
b  bend
s  stacato

("Es" above the lyrics = an open E (sixth) string, played stacato;
"G-chord" should be self-explanetory)

Main riff:

G|-------------------------------2---h3p3-0--------|  repeat 4 times for the intro
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/l/lee_rocker_and_big_blue/when_youre_not_here_tab.html ]
Verse 1:
        Es        G-chord
I could steal the flame, from a candlelight          

       Es         G-chord
Stab a man in the back, while I look in his eyes     

Es          G-chord
Whisper the words, you like right in your ear        

But there's things I'll do, when you're not here     

       Es         G-chord
I will tell you I love you, until the end of time    

     Es                  G-chord
Take the money from your pocket, put it into mine    

E        G-chord
[We] can [trust], don't have any fear                

But there's things I'll do, when you're not here     

  (a lot of E's and G's)

So put your little hand in mine,
Let's walk a while,
I'll make you happy as a buzzing bee

But when the lights go out,
And you're not around,
I'll do the things that you'll never see

Verse 3:
     Es        G-chord
Some creatures walk, or fly above
           Es           G-chord
But like a snake in the grass, I'll sneak 'round real low
Es           G-chord
You'll never need to shed a tear
The nasty little things are done when you're not here

How to play When Youre Not Here