Lenny Kravitz - Always On The Run Chords & Tabs


Always On The Run Chords & Tabs

Lenny Kravitz Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

Always On The Run Tab

#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
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From: "F.P.Moonen" 
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To: jamesb@nevada.edu
Subject: For the request for Lenny Kravitz music.

               "Always on the run" by LENNY KRAVITZ
                   from the album "Mama Said"

The main riff (Em):
                                                          P   P   H
e ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
B ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
G ----------------|----0-----------|----------------|----------------|
D ----2---0-------|0-----0---2-----|----2---0-------|0-0---------0^2-|
A ----------4-----|----------------|----------4-----|----4^0---------|
E 0-------------0-|0---------------|0-------------0-|0-------3^0-----|
  1   2   3   4    1   2   3   4    1   2   3   4    1   2   3   4

[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/l/lenny_kravitz/always_on_the_run_tab.html ]
... while the second guitar is playing:
e 12----------------|----------------|----------------|--------11^12-12----|
B 12-x--x---x---x---|x---x-x-x-x-x---|x-x-x---x---x---|x---x-x-11^12-12----|
G 12-x--x---x---x---|x---x-x-x-x-x---|x-x-x---x---x---|x---x-x-11^12-12----|
D ---x--5---7---x---|x---x-5-x-x-x---|x-x-5---7---x---|x---x-x-------------|
A --------------5---|7---------5-7---|------------5---|7-------------------|
E ------------------|----------------|----------------|--------------------|
  1  '  2   3   4    1   2   3   4    1   2   3   4    1   2   3  '  4

The x means: striking the strings while your index finger is muting the
strings on the 4th fret (to create a scratch effect). Play the melody with
your middle finger and little finger.

The song:

2x riff [Em]
2x riff with bass and second guitar

            my mama said
            that your life is a gift
            and my mama said
            there's much weight you will lift
            and my mama said
            leave those bad boys alone
            and my mama said
            be home before the dawn
            and my mama said
            you can be rich or poor
            but my mama said
            you can be big or small

choir:      [G]  but I'm [A] always on the run
            [Em] always on the run
choir:      [G]  but I'm [A] always on the run

2x riff

            my mama said
            that it's good to be fruitful
            but my mama said
            don't take more than a mouthful
            and my mama said
            that it's good to be natural
            and my mama said
            that it's good to be factual

choir:      [G]  but I'm [A] always on the run
            [Em] always on the run
choir:      [G]  but I'm [A] always on the run

2x riff
guitar solo from Slash:   [A]   [Em]   [B]   [Em]
  (who can make a transcription of THIS for me ?)
1x riff

            my mama said
            baby don't ride that crazy horse
            and my mama said
            you must push with much force
            and my mama said
            go get all that you're after
            and my mama said
            that love's all that mathers

choir:      [G]  but I'm [A] always on the run
            [Em] always on the run
choir:      [G]  but I'm [A] always on the run

choir:      [G]  but I'm [A] always on the run
            [Em] always on the run
choir:      [G]  but I'm [A] always on the run

2x riff     (ah, what's that mama ?
             do you want...?  right now ?   hold on !   yeah!)

5x riff (with brass)


Fabian Moonen.
How to play Always On The Run