Músico / Musician: Lenny Kravitz
Disco / Album: Lenny (2001)
Canción / Song: Bank Robber Man
Hola gente. He estado buscando el tab de esta estupenda canción como loco pero no la he
por ningún lao, asi que he decidío hacelo yo mismo lo que para mi sorpresa ha resultado
un tema muy sencillo de sacar y tocar (que soy más perro que Rintintín). Y bueno, si
algún fallo, deseais comentar algo o simplemente quereis cháchara mandad un mail a:
Por cierto que también ando buscando el tab de "Sugar" a ver si alguno de vosotros lo
por ahí y me lo puede mandar :D
Al lío.
Hi folks. I've been looking for this tab just like a madman but i've not found anywhere,
i've decided to do it by myself to realize that it was a very easy song to play. So if
find some mistake or do you want to comment something or just chat, send a mail to:
By the way, I also looking for "sugar" tab. If someone has it, e-mail me please :D
Let's go to the point.
Afinación convencional / Standard tunning:
Acordes utilizados / Used Chords:
A5 - x022xx
C5 - 355xxx
D5 - xx032x & x577xx
D#5 - x688xx
E5 - x799xx
Este es el riff pricipal / This is the main riff:
Que se repite mazo veces durante la introducción y mientras el Lenny se está callao al
de cada verso / It's repeated several times at intro and when Lenny doesn't sing at the
of each verse.
Así que la canción va de esta guisa / So here's the song:
I was walking down the street today
C5 (main riff)
Just as somebody blew the doors off of the B of A
Just then I head them call my name
C5 (main riff)
As I was thrown against the car I was being framed.
[ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/l/lenny_kravitz/bank_rober_man_tab.html ]
A5 C5 (main riff)
All units we've got our man
A5 C5 (main riff)
We've got the bank robber man
A5 C5 (main riff)
We don't need no reason you're going in the can
A5 C5 D5
You look like the bank robber man.
I think you misunderstand
Do you think that I am the one that did it
C5 (main riff)
Just because I'm tan?
Just then the officer at hand said I don't give a damn that
C5 (main riff)
you are in a rock and roll band.
A5 C5 (main riff)
All units we've got our man
A5 C5 (main riff)
We've got the bank robber man
A5 C5 (main riff)
We don't need no reason you're going in the can
A5 C5 D5
You look like the bank robber man.
E5 D#5 D5 C5
Just tell me what's going on ?
C5 D5 D#5 E5 D#5 D5 C5
Can you tell me what I did wrong ?
C5 D5 D#5 E5 D#5 D5 C5
Does busting me make you feel strong ?
C5 D#5
Make you feel strong
(Aquí viene el solo que como bien abreis supuesto tras mi autocalificación no voy a
a transcribirlo :) / About the solo I'm too lazy to transcribe it :) )
A5 C5 (main riff)
All units we've got our man
A5 C5 (main riff)
We've got the bank robber man
A5 C5 (main riff)
We don't need no reason You're going in the can
A5 C5 D5
You look like the bank robber man.
(Y para el final Lenny mete una segunda guitarra haciendo esto mientras dice "bank
man"/ When the song is near of ending Lenny includes a 2nd guitar playing this while he says
robber man")
Y esto ha sido todo. Espero que os haya servido de algo y sino; con dios. Saludos. / And
all. Hope this tab has served you well. Greetings.